Sunday, March 25, 2012

Workers and their wages

Blackbird 2012
I seemed to have picked up some industrious bug eating workers. I catch a glimpse of the feathered busy bodies on occasion peaking under leaves and mulch. The price for their work is strawberries. I guess I can share for all the diligent work they accomplish.

Biological Warfare

Red Russian Kale Spring 2012
I noticed in garden #4 when I was burying the Ollas that I had too many grubs languishing about in the dirt. I annihilated all of them that I found, but was worried about the mass numbers I was finding. I decided to obtain an organic solution to help with my eradication. I did some research and chose to try some beneficial nematodes. I bought mine at Gardener's Supply called Grub-Guard. I was disappointed to find the cold pack to keep them alive had melted. I checked the water after I put them in and I saw some didn't make it, other were swimming happily about in the water. I hope enough survived to make a serious dent in the grub population. If not, the battle will be on again soon!

Harvest Time

Jericho Lettuce Spring 2012
I'm getting loads of Jericho and Buttercrunch lettuce. The cabbage is getting close and the cucumbers are growing wild and flowering! I noticed my calendar was off on the harvest times. I read that the harvest time is from when the seedling shows the first true leaves and not when it is planted. Therefore, I have added a couple of weeks to my harvest times. Happy gardening!